Admit it or not some of us always look for the brand of the product,
such as Coke, Apple, Adidas, Nike, and so on. But there's also room for someone
who enjoys products without any brand. I say, due to its cheap and affordable
price which is not bad at all.
For an instance, a vendor is selling a cup of coffee worth P200 he says
it's full of healthy substance that's good for your body. Meanwhile, another
vendor sells a cup of coffee at Starbucks worth the same price. If you were the
customer which one would you pick? The first one or the second one?
Obviously the branded one! That's a cup of coffee Starbucks, its
undeniably worth the price since it has a branded name. While the other one
would sound so expensive yet has the same contents as Starbucks coffee. Why?
Why not that's how a trusted brand means even the price is undeniably